

Looking for in-depth information on early learning and care in Edmonton? Download and read the published reports, papers and briefs produced by, or on behalf of, the Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care.

Michael Fulton Michael Fulton

Report 3 - Parents’ Views About the Accessibility of Early Learning and Child Care in Alberta

Federal and provincial governments have embarked on a major undertaking to build systems of early learning and child care across Canada that meet high standards for quality, affordability, accessibility, inclusion, and flexibility. The success of this plan—the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Care (CWELCC) initiative—will depend partly on whether changes to early learning and care meet the needs and expectations of parents. To learn about parents’ views, the Alberta Parent Survey on Early Learning and Child Care was conducted in 2022 with over 1400 parents in Alberta with young children. The present report, the third in a series based on this survey, is focused on accessibility. Parents’ Views About the Accessibility of Early Learning and Child Care in Alberta includes detailed findings and recommendations for optimizing the way in which the CWELCC is implemented in Alberta.

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Publications, Reports ECELC Publications, Reports ECELC

Journeys through early learning and child care in Edmonton: The Experiences of ethnocultural families

In January 2021, we launched the Journeys Project. The Journeys Project is a collaboration between the Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative, the Community-University Partnership and the Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care. The aim of the project was to gather rich firsthand accounts of the experiences of ethnocultural parents with young children (birth to 5 years old) in early learning and childcare (ELCC) in Edmonton. The Journeys Project drew on the cultural brokering practice and intercultural expertise of the MCHB. We engaged 30 parents from 6 ethnocultural communities: Kurdish-speaking, Eritrean and Ethiopian, Bhutanese Filipino, Spanish-speaking, and Chinese-speaking.

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Guest User Guest User

Exploring Licensed Early Learning and Child Care in Edmonton Day Homes: Interviews with Family Day Home Agencies

In this paper, Jennifer Fischer-Summers examines the accessibility, affordability, quality, flexibility, and inclusivity of early learning and child care in Edmonton day homes. The paper provides a summary of interviews with licensed family day home agencies in Edmonton. The findings highlight some considerable variations that exist between and within Edmonton family day homes and agencies.

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Miranda Brown Miranda Brown

Why and How Cities Matter to ELC

In this report, Margot R. Challborn examines the role of municipalities in creating and leading early learning and care policy development. Specifically, this report outlines why cities can and should play a role in early learning and care.

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Reports Ashley McClure Reports Ashley McClure

Recommended Actions for Education

The Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care recommends 5 actions that can be taken by School Boards and that will support many families, contribute to economic and social recovery from the COVID pandemic, and help to address some critical educational priorities.

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Discussion Paper ECELC Discussion Paper ECELC

An Examination of Regulatory and Other Measures to Support Quality Early Learning and Care in Alberta

The Child Care Act and Regulation provides the legislative basis for early learning and care in Alberta. The Act has undergone review by the Ministry of Children’s Services, and a new Act was tabled in the Legislature in November 2020. This report is a comprehensive review of how jurisdictions can, and do, support quality in early learning and care through a combination of regulation and other policy vehicles and mechanisms.

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Reports ECELC Reports ECELC

A Profile of Edmonton Child Care in 2019

A Profile of Child Care in Edmonton (2019) was developed for the ECELC to provide a shared foundation of knowledge about the current state of licensed, full-day, unparented child care programs for children who have not yet entered kindergarten in the city of Edmonton.

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