Recommended Actions for Alberta Children’s Services in Support of Early Learning and Care
The Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care recommends 13 actions that can be taken by Alberta Children’s Services and that will support many families, contribute to economic and social recovery from the COVID pandemic, and help to address some of the critical priorities of EndPovertyEdmonton.
Recommended Actions for the City of Edmonton in Support of Early Learning and Care: Rationale
The Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care has identified 10 recommended actions that can be taken by the City of Edmonton in support of early learning and care.
Recommended Actions for Education
The Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care recommends 5 actions that can be taken by School Boards and that will support many families, contribute to economic and social recovery from the COVID pandemic, and help to address some critical educational priorities.
What We Heard About Child Care: Focus Groups with Educators & Indigenous Families
Authors Chelsea Freeborn, MEd., Alvina Mardhani-Bayne, PhD., and Cheyanne Soetaert using information from a scoping review of current academic literature to identified existing understandings of indicators of quality and desirable educator dispositions created guiding questions for focus groups made up of Indigenous families and educators who support Indigenous families.
Leading from the Field: Practices to Support Indigenous and Newcomer Families
Authors Chelsea Freeborn, MEd., Alvina Mardhani-Bayne, PhD., and Cheyanne Soetaert conducted case studies with child care directors and senior staff to ascertain how support for Indigenous and newcomer families can be realized in Edmonton child care contexts.
Recommended Actions for City of Edmonton
The Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care recommends 10 actions that can be taken by the City of Edmonton and that will support many families, contribute to economic and social recovery from the COVID pandemic, and help to address some critical municipal priorities.
Quality Indicators and Dispositions in the Early Learning and Child Care Sector: Learning from Indigenous Families
In Quality Indicators and Dispositions in the Early Learning and Child Care Sector:
Learning from Indigenous Families authors Chelsea Freeborn, MEd., Alvina Mardhani-Bayne, PhD., and Cheyanne Soetaert bring attention to a range of quality indicators and educator dispositions valued by Indigenous Families.
An Examination of Regulatory and Other Measures to Support Quality Early Learning and Care in Alberta
The Child Care Act and Regulation provides the legislative basis for early learning and care in Alberta. The Act has undergone review by the Ministry of Children’s Services, and a new Act was tabled in the Legislature in November 2020. This report is a comprehensive review of how jurisdictions can, and do, support quality in early learning and care through a combination of regulation and other policy vehicles and mechanisms.
Indigenous Early Learning & Care in the city of Edmonton
The purpose of Indigenous Early Learning and Care in the city of Edmonton: Articulating the experiences, perspectives and needs of Indigenous parents/caregivers (2019) is to inform and guide future advances in the design of a system of early learning and care that is responsive to the needs of Indigenous children and their families in Edmonton.